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Centre of African Studies


Seminar Series: Slavery and Its Afterlives (2021)

The Cambridge Legacies of Enslavement Inquiry and the Centre of African Studies invited participants to their 2021 Seminar Series in 2021.

Slavery and Its Afterlives

Mondays, 3:00 PM (UK time), starting 25 January


January 25

Dr. Uri McMillan

Associate Professor, Dept. of African American Studies, UCLA

AfroPomoPunkPrimitivism: Jean-Paul Goude and the Visual Mythology of Grace Jones

February 1

Dr. Richard Del Rio

Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow, FSU Department of Behavioral Science and Social Medicine

The History of Criminal Drug Markets and the Political Economy of Race

February 8

Dr. Toussaint Losier

Assistant Professor, Dept. of African-American Studies, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

The Other Attica is Already Upon Us: Prison Organizing, Covid-19, and the Crises of U.S. Mass Incarceration

February 15

Dr. Hazel Carby

Charles C & Dorathea S Dilley Professor of African American Studies & American Studies Emerita, Yale University

Imperial Accounts

February 22

Dr. Keila Grinberg

Associate Professor of History, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)

Passados Presentes: Memory of Slavery in Brazil

March 1

Dr. Theodore Francis

Assistant Professor of History, Huston-Tillotson University

‘A Dangerous Experiment’: The Franchise, Land Grabs, and the Making of Segregated Tourism in Bermuda

March 8

Dr. João Reis

Professor of History, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Manumission by Substitution

March 15

Dr. Janette Gayle

Assistant Professor of History, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Sewing the Fabric of Life: Black Dressmakers in Slavery and Freedom

May 3

Dr. Matheus Gato de Jesus

Professor of Sociology, UNICAMP

The Massacre of Freedmen: Race, Emancipation, and the Republic in Brazil (1888-1889)

May 10

Dr. Christopher Todd

Assistant Professor of History, University of North Texas

Slavery and Sacred Property: Black Baptist Mission Building and the Creation of a New Afro-Jamaican Political Subjects During the Age of Revolutions

May 17

Dr. Sabelo J Ndlovu-Gatsheni

Chair in Epistemologies of the Global South, University of Bayreuth

The Afterlives of Racial Slavery in Global Coloniality

Centre of African Studies Michaelmas Term Seminar Series - Online! (2020)

The Centre of African Studies Michaelmas Term Seminar Series was a series of talks held from October to December 2020, via Zoom.

Talks were open to all and run from 3-5pm UK time each week.

GROUNDING THE STRUGGLE: Land and the Working People in the Global South

This seminar series will seek to discuss the struggles on and over the land in relation to the working people in the global south. The speakers will address who are the working people? What relationships exist between the urban and rural forms of labour and what does an assumed separation of the urban and rural divide create – the genesis of the rural/urban divide and the effect on the struggles of the working people. In discussing the relationship to the land how do we come to understand varying forms of work?  The speakers, in thinking through the agrarian question, will provide analysis and insight into how we can understand gender relations, property relations and the state. Perhaps most critical to this approach is redefining how we understand forms of work in relation to the land under the assumption that land remains a critical space in the global south.

Monday 12th October:  Dr Lyn Ossome (Makerere University) & Dr Natasha I. Shivji (University of Cambridge)

Gendering Labor and the Agrarian South

Monday 19th October: Dr Kate Meagher (LSE) and Martin Cobian (Lehman College, CUNY)

“Working in Chains:  Global Value Chains and Rural Informal Workers (Africa and Latin America)” & “How informal is rural "informality" ? Some notes on the Formal Subsumption of Labor, The Agrarian Question and the Transition to Capitalism”

Monday 26th October: Prof Henry Bernstein (Professor Emeritus, SOAS)

Africa’s agrarian questions then and now

Monday 2nd November: Dr Ahmed Ibrahim (Carleton College) and Prof Catherine Besteman (Colby College)

Land-scapes of Conflict in Southern Somalia

Monday 9th November: Dr Nada Moumtaz (University of Toronto)

Gucci and the Waqf: Inalienability in Beirut's postwar reconstruction

Monday 16th November: Prof Sit Tsui (Southwest University, China)

China’s Strategy of Rural Revitalization amid the New Cold War

Monday 23rd November: Prof Utsa Patnaik (Prof Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) and Prof Issa Shivji (Prof Emeritus, University of Dar es Salaam)

The Agrarian Question(s) - India and Africa

Monday 30th December: : Prof. Dzodzi Tsikata, University of Ghana