AEGIS Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies is a research network of European studies centres which aims to create synergies between experts and institutions. With primary emphasis on Social Sciences and Humanities, AEGIS' main goal is to improve understanding about contemporary African societies.
African Archaeology Group Cambridge
The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research exists to further research by Cambridge archaeologists and their collaborators into all aspects of the human past, across time and space. It supports archaeological fieldwork, archaeological science, material culture studies, and archaeological theory in an interdisciplinary framework. Since its inception, the Institute has played a particularly leading role in cognitive archaeology, broadly defined. It sponsors seminar series, workshops and international conferences. It produces the Cambridge Archaeological Journal and publishes the McDonald Institute Monographs.
The African Studies Association of the United Kingdom was founded in 1963 and is the national subject association for Africanists within the academic community. ASAUK is a non-profit organisation which has over 900 members drawn from Africanist scholars, students and other experts. Through conferences, workshops, a newsletter and a number of prizes and awards, the African Studies Association supports and provides information to the Africanist community. ASAUK works in close cooperation with the Royal African Society (RAS), and members receive the influential quarterly journal African Affairs. In 2006 ASAUK was recognised as a Learned Society by the British Academy.
The CAMBRIDGE-AFRICA Programme (which incorporates THRiVE, CAPREx, MUII, Alborada Fund and the WT-CCGHR initiatives) aims to strengthen Africa's own capacity for a sustainable research and mentoring culture, by cultivating the talented individuals who will make this long-term goal a reality. The Programme emerged from a number of individual, long-term, collaborations between Cambridge and African researchers, and now consists of a range of initiatives covering many subject areas, with coordinated cross-collaboration as a common but essential theme.
Cambridge African Film Festival
The Cambridge African Film Festival takes place annual in the month of November.
Cambridge Development Initiative
The Cambridge Development Initiative is changing the way student volunteering is done.
Centre of Governance and Human Rights (CG+HR)
The Centre of Governance and Human Rights draws together experts, practitioners and policymakers from Cambridge University and far beyond to think critically and innovatively about pressing governance and human rights issues throughout the world. With a special focus on Africa, the Centre aims to be a world-class interdisciplinary hub for fresh thinking, collaborative research and improving practice. CGHR organises a range of research seminars and public events throughout the year, tied to our emerging research priorities. In the coming years, the Centre will focus its efforts on core themes of interest that leverage Cambridge's unique research strengths. Read more about our research, including our monthly research group meetings and about the Centre.
Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)
Cambridge has a long and distinctive tradition in the study of politics and international relations with particular emphasis, going back over a century, on historical, legal, economic and philosophical approaches to the study of political thought and national and international politics.
In Africa is a five-year research programme to investigate the origins of our species - Homo sapiens - and its diversity in Africa, and aims at making new discoveries of early human fossils, archaeological sites and their environmental context in East Africa to test models of human origins and diversification in Africa. In Africa has two field projects in Kenya – one focused on the Turkana Basin and one on the Central Rift Valley.
The Royal African Society is Britain's prime Africa organisation.